When I feel complete

A fresh cup of coffee, a steady breeze through an open window, the lingering smell of incense throughout my house, paint stuck to my skin, and a perfect playlist to accompany my morning.
The air outside smells like spring and watching my dog get on his hind legs to look out the window at the birds playing in the trees is the cutest.
I think I underestimate how calming it is for me to paint. I rolled out of bed this morning and went straight into painting, I made a new playlist compiled of songs I felt I needed to reflect on and with thought in mind I gave up a bit of a ghost.

I want to delve more into my waking thoughts this morning but everything feels so perfect I don’t know that I want to open that box. I feel very full of love today. I want to share my love and express it to my friends and family. So thankful.

Poetry is needed.
I’m holding back